Exam mastery simplified
Gain the edge in your exam preparation with our on-demand video training. Study at your own pace, anytime, anywhere!
Features of Our Courses
Why Choose Us?
Worried about med school exams? Want advice on starting as a foundation doctor? Need help with the Prescribing Safety Assessment? All this and more here!
Expert Tutors
At MedTic the majority of our teaching is provided by newly qualified doctors, right off the back of passing finals.
Learn Online at Your Own Pace
Our MCQ videos can be accessed ANYWHERE and ANYTIME, letting you dictate your learning.
Diverse Range of Resources
We offer on-demand tutorials and practise MCQs covering the entire MLA curriculum, PSA tips, FY1 starter prep and more!
Popular Courses
Thursday Fifteens
Thursday Fifteen do weekly live MCQ sessions covering the entire MLA syllabus in the lead up to summer exams every year! Alternatively, all videos are available here:
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